
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Aku kena TAG oleh si Jaja Dazzling...

1) What is the most important thing in your life?
my parents,my beloved wife, my handsome family & all my friends wherever u are...

2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
Sportrim wife aku belanja... mmm so last benda beli My DSLR Nikon D80 & N95 8GB

3) Where do you wish to get married?
kalo masih lom kawen, aku still nk wat kat umah mak bapak aku...dah lepas dh pon... tercapai gak hajat...

4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
Selagi Tuhan merestui.... but hopefully forever

5) Are you in love?
Yup!!! (with all people stat at item no 1..)

7) Name the latest book that you bought?
tafsir Al-quran... tu kira buku kan? aku x rajin beli buku...

8)What is your full name?
sape yg tag aku ni dh tentu tau.... korang tanya dia...

9) Do you prefer your mother or father
Both... without them who am i actually??

10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time
Tun Mahathir & Hang Jebat....

11) Christina or Britney?
Britney laa.... sexy tuuuuu....

12) Do you do your own laundry?
cukup laa masa bujang dh buat....

13) The most exciting place you want to go?
Azral dh jemput ke sana... Tanah Suci.. insya Allah ade rezeki aku sampai sana...

14) Hugs or kisses?
Both... berkait rapat tu...

15) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
kuat merajuk, happening, tabah like seri kandi(kdg2 meleleh gak.. hehehe), friendly, comeyy.....

16)8 things I am passionate about:
photography, Manchester United, futsal, golf, modified keta, internet, friends, pic edit....

17)8 things I say too often:
a. astaghfirullah...
b. alhamdulillah
c. roger
d. ekk..
e. waklu!!
f. insyaAllah
g. dok
h. boleh x boleh??

18)4 books I’ve read recently:
a. tafsir Al-Quran..(kira buku kan?)
b. buku yaasin (tiap mlm jumaat jika berkesempatan)
c. facebook
d. senang cite aku x suka baca buku.........

19)8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
a. Wajah Kesayangan Hamba
b. Negaraku
d. 60-an
e. 80-an
f. lagu kanak2 (nk practise..nyanyi utk anak aku...)
g. lagu Alleycats
h. Scorpion

20)8 things I learned last year:
a. rezeki ade kat mana2
b. dekatkan lg diri dgn TUHAN..
c. belajar jd suami...
d. belajar sesuai diri dgn environment opis baru...
e. terus jd cool
f. kawan2 saya adalah TERBAIK..
g. low profile is better
h. ALLAH Maha Besar...

8 people that I love to tag -
a. Jaja... kena wat gak.. sepuluh kali pun xpe... wakakakaka
b. Donald
c. Khairul Kuda
d. Zaid & Jijah
e. Azfa & Kito
f. Yusnita Sodimin
g. Masviona & prebetsapu
h. Dahlia


prebetsabu said...

ni nak marah ni.. ramai betul org salah sebut n eja nama glamer aku...

prebetsabu la.. bukan prebetsapu...


nnti tungu viona balas tag ko..

Anonymous said...

seman..tag dari prebetsabu pun den tk lps jwb kan plak nk jwb tag ko haduh...eden torai yor..! :)

Yaya said...

roger roger roger n out, aku pon soka sebut roger nehhh coollll

samat ari raya man
maap zahir dan batin

dazzling 948 said...

aku suke jawapan2 ko...hahaha..
cool beb...

Koboi mana boleh minum air Susu!! said...


Nas - sori salah eja.. hehehehe...

Yus - bedal jek...

Yaya - roger2 & out...

Jaja- Jawapan yg mana???

dazzling 948 said...

no.15 n 17...hehehe

boleh x boleh>>>